New Research on Space-based Solar Power Orbital & Attitude Optimization
As a result of a collaboration between the ASTRO Lab and Virtus Solis Technologies, Inc., recent research has been published in the journal Acta Astronautica that presents a concurrent orbit and attitude optimization approach for space-based solar power planar arrays through the utilization of stochastic optimization methods. Using the developed approach, power beaming is assessed for general, Molniya, and Sun-synchronous orbits, multiple satellite configurations are evaluated including modular sandwich configurations with mirrors, and the effects of ground locations and time of year on power-beaming efficiency are analyzed. More information on the article can be found below:
Title: “Simultaneous orbit and attitude optimization of planar arrays for space-based solar power beaming”
Abstract: The recent emergence of modular space-based solar power concepts has brought the topic to the forefront of alternatives for power generation. Additionally, advancements in wireless power transmission, space robotics, and reusable launch vehicles have improved the viability of space-based solar power concepts. Modular concepts have led to several benefits compared to classical space-based solar power designs in terms of improved manufacturability and assembly, but they also have introduced new challenges with respect to orbital and attitude design. In particular, the coupling of sunlight collection and power beaming on opposing sides of modular configurations, such as for flat-plane sandwich configurations, requires a compromise between power collection and beaming within the orbital and attitude kinematics. This study develops a simultaneous power-beaming geometric efficiency optimization approach that integrates orbital dynamics and attitude kinematics of space-based solar power satellite arrays. The efficacy of the developed approach is demonstrated through three case studies, each reflecting typical constraints on the relative geometry of the satellite array with respect to the Sun and the ground; thereby, enabling a comprehensive exploration of various orbits. Near-optimal solutions of orbits and attitudes that maximize the efficiency of power beaming to the ground are generated, broadening the spectrum of orbits previously investigated in the literature. The approach and findings presented lay the groundwork for evaluating power-beaming systems and conducting analyses that take into account different types of perturbations.
Full details on the study can be found in the following journal paper by Omran and Bazzocchi (2024):
Omran BAM, Bazzocchi MCF, “Simultaneous orbit and attitude optimization of planar arrays for space-based solar power beaming,” Acta Astronautica, Vol. 219, pp. 832-846, 2024.