The latest information from the Astronautics and Robotics Laboratory
We are actively recruiting graduate students to join our dynamic research team! If you're passionate about tackling cutting-edge challenges in astronautics and robotics, we want to hear from you.
Recent research has been published in the journal Acta Astronautica that presents a concurrent orbit and attitude optimization for space-based solar power planar arrays through the utilization of stochastic optimization methods.
We are seeking participants for a research study on recording and understanding the posture of firefighters while performing functional tasks such as those performed on the fireground.
Megan Michaud, an undergraduate researcher in the Astronautics and Robotics Laboratory (ASTRO Lab), presented her robotic satellite testbed research for emulation of small spacecraft orbital motion at the ICRA 2023 conference in London, UK.
This special issue seeks high-quality scholarly articles on key topics related to space robotics and space mechatronics to be published in the journal Aerospace (ISSN 2226-4310).
Megan Michaud, undergraduate researcher in Clarkson’s Astronautics and Robotics Laboratory (ASTRO Lab) received the NASA New York Space Grant Women in STEM Fellowship to design a satellite testbed for emulation of small spacecraft orbital motion.
Clarkson University Professors of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Michael Bazzocchi and Marcias Martinez are working together to develop an Assistive and Intelligent Device Fabrication (AIDFab) facility for aging in place.
We are glad to announce that we have two new researchers joining our team this spring, namely, M.S. student Ben Walleshauser, and undergraduate researcher Eric Carlson.
Clarkson University Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Michael Bazzocchi has been awarded three U.S. Space Force STTR subcontracts with Ombra worth $254,416 as part of the first SpaceWERX Space Prime effort, Orbital Prime.
Nicole Pallota, M.S. Candidate, traveled to Paris, France to present her research on asteroid formation mechanisms at the 73rd IAC.
We are seeking participants for a focus group conducted by Clarkson University on investigating the challenges that career and volunteer firefighters face to safety, productivity, access, inclusion, and longevity and potential assistive technology.
Two ASTRO Lab undergraduate students, Ben Almstrom and Kevin Alvarado, recently attended the 2022 IEEE Aerospace Conference held in Big Sky, Montana during March 6-11.
A new article has been published in the journal Aerospace Systems that investigates different in-orbit target tracking techniques and introduces a new all-facet-imaging formation approach for tracking objects.
ASTRO Lab Director, Prof. Michael Bazzocchi, led a group of Clarkson Professors who have been awarded an NSF grant worth nearly $150,000 to design a new intelligent and adaptive firefighting exoskeleton suits for the Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier, which is one of NSF’s 10 Big Ideas for the future…
This summer four ASTRO Lab undergraduate students presented their research at the 2021 Summer Research and Project Showcase (RAPS) at Clarkson University.
As part of the McNair Scholars Research Program, the Astronautics and Robotic Laboratory would like to welcome three McNair scholars for summer research.
As a result of a collaboration between researchers from the ASTRO Lab at Clarkson University (NY, USA), the University Centre of Defence at the Spanish Air Force Academy, MDE-UPCT (San Javier, Spain), and Space Strategies Consulting Ltd. (Ottawa, Canada), a new approach for space debris prioritization for removal was published.
Starting this spring, a new orbital mechanics course is being offered for Clarkson University upper-year undergraduate and graduate students.
The IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics took place October 11-14, 2020. This year, Dr. Bazzocchi took part as the Session Chair for Human-Machine Cooperation: Trust and Adaptation.
Clarkson University has announced the appointment of Prof. Michael C. F. Bazzocchi to the department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering at Clarkson University.
The Astronautics and Robotics Laboratory has developed an electronic mailing list to help us keep you up to date with news, opportunities, and updates from the lab.
The Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering Department at Clarkson University has announced to students the start of a process to transition to an aerospace program.