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Dr. Michael C.F. Bazzocchi is an Assistant Professor at York University (Toronto, Canada) and the Director of the Astronautics and Robotics Laboratory (ASTRO Lab). He is also a Research Associate Professor at Clarkson University (NY, USA).
Previously, Dr. Bazzocchi held positions at the University of Toronto (Canada) in Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, the Institute for Robotics and Mechatronics, the Toronto Institute of Advanced Manufacturing, and the Institute for Aerospace Studies. He was a researcher in Onboard Space Systems at Luleå University of Technology (Sweden). Dr. Bazzocchi also worked for the RHEA Group as a spacecraft concurrent design engineer on the Canadian Space Agency satCODE (satellite concurrent design) project.
In addition to his work in aerospace engineering, Dr. Bazzocchi enjoys volunteer work—he is the Founder and President of the Trek for Teens Foundation (a charity that supports homeless youth), and is actively involved in various educational, social justice, and leadership-based charities.
Dr. Michael C. F. Bazzocchi
Assistant Professor
York University
Email: mbazz@yorku.ca
Phone: (416) 736-2100 x 21009
Current Students
Graduate Students
Juan Pablo Garcia
PhD Student,
York University
Basel Omran
PhD Student,
York University
Muneeb Arshad
PhD Student,
Clarkson University
Nicole Pallotta
MS Student,
Clarkson University
Joe Dibble
MS Student,
Clarkson University
Ben Walleshauser
MS Student,
Clarkson University
Auri Cormier
MSc Student,
York University
Undergraduate Students
Eric Carlson
BS Student, McNair Scholar,
Clarkson University
Edina Jan
BS Student, Clarkson University
Adam Jansen
BS Student, Honors,
Clarkson University
Alexis Lopez
AS Student, NSF-REU-HPC,
Lone Star College
Megan Michaud
BS Student, Honors,
Clarkson University
Olaoluwayimika Olugbenle
BS Student, Honors,
Clarkson University
Essence Raymo
BS Student, McNair Scholar,
Clarkson University
If you are interested in joining, check out our page for Prospective Students.
Former Students
Graduate Students
Basel Omran, M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (2023), Thesis Title: Orbital and Attitude Trajectory Design and Optimization for Space-based Solar Power (continued as a Ph.D. student with ASTRO Lab at York University)
Jeevan Jayasuriya, M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (2023), Thesis Title: A Biomechanical Data-Driven Approach for Analysis of Firefighting Activities and Assistive Exoskeletons (currently Ph.D. student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison)
James Blaise, M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (2022), Thesis Title: Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Small Spacecraft Manipulator Collision Avoidance (currently Mechanical Engineer at Mission Technologies)
Undergraduate Students
Christofer Cherpillod, BASc Student in Engineering Science, Honors, Lassonde Undergraduate Research Award (LURA) Recipient, University of Toronto, Summer 2024 (currently BASc Student in Engineering Science at the University of Toronto)
Nolan Boerger, BS in Aerospace Engineering, Honors, Clarkson University, 2021-2024 (currently Engineer at M4 Engineering)
Ben Almstrom, BS in Aerospace Engineering, Clarkson University, 2021-2024 (currently R&D Engineer at Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Junior Tchapdieu, BS in Aerospace Engineering, Clarkson University, Honors, Hurst Scholar, McNair Scholar, 2021-2023 (currently M.S. student in Mechanical Engineering at Clarkson University)
Sophia Kiernan, BS Physics, McNair Scholar, Clarkson University, Summer 2023 (currently B.S. student in Physics at Clarkson University)
Nathaniel Maitland, BS in Aerospace Engineering, Clarkson University, McNair Scholar, Summer 2023 (currently B.S. student in Aerospace Engineering at Clarkson University)
Michael Akers, BS in Aerospace Engineering, Clarkson University, 2021-2023 (currently Mechanical Engineer at General Dynamics Electric Boat)
Shane Benziger, BS in Aerospace Engineering, Clarkson University, 2021-2023 (currently Edison Engineer at GE Vernova)
Gavin Buehler, BS in Aerospace Engineering, Honors, Clarkson University, 2021-2023 (currently Edison Engineer at GE’s Edison Works)
Michael Buchwald, BS in Aerospace Engineering, Honors, Clarkson University, 2021-2023 (currently M.S. student at Purdue University)
Taylor Converse, BS in Aerospace Engineering, Clarkson University, Honors, 2021-2023
Adam DiCesare, BS in Aerospace Engineering, Clarkson University, 2021-2023 (currently Systems Engineer at Lockheed Martin)
Vy Huynh, BS in Aerospace Engineering, McNair Scholar, Clarkson University, 2021-2023 (M.Eng. student at Cornell University, currently Mechanical Engineer at Kaman Air Vehicles)
Melanie Orzechowski, BS in Aerospace Engineering, Clarkson University, 2020-2023 (currently Aerodynamics / Rotorcraft Engineer at Sikorsky)
Matteo Rehm, BS in Mechanical Engineering, Clarkson University, Spring 2023 (currently Concept Design Engineer at Ford)
Kevin Alvarado, BS in Aerospace Engineering, Clarkson University, Honors, McNair Scholar, 2021-2022 (currently Ph.D. student at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Martin Lopez Jr., BS Student, McNair Scholar, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Summer 2021 (currently B.S. student in Mechanical Engineering at University of Texas Rio Grande Valley)