Developing advanced concepts and transformative research
Asteroid Science & Engineering
Exploring the potential of small solar system bodies
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Mission & Systems Design
Analyzing space systems and formulating concepts for new missions
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Orbital Dynamics & Control
Planning trajectories and controlling the motion of spacecraft
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Satellites, Formations & Debris
Tackling space debris, designing formations and miniaturizing spacecraft
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Research Overview
The Astronautics and Robotics Laboratory explores advanced concepts and performs innovative and transformative research in science and engineering. ASTRO Lab trains high-quality researchers and engineers, develops new technologies, and provides novel solutions to problems in astronautics, robotics, and society.
Asteroid Science & Engineering
Asteroid science and engineering is a comprehensive area of study that includes the discovery of small solar system bodies (detection and estimation), their exploration (modeling, surveying, sampling, and prospecting), their redirection (capture and deflection), and their eventual utilization for resources (mining, processing, and manufacturing). ASTRO Lab engages in research across these various disciplines to support the development of a framework that allows industry, academia, and governments to seize the many opportunities afforded by asteroid engineering.
Highlighted Projects:
Miniaturized lander concepts for small solar system bodies
Optimal landing formations on asteroids for attitude and orbital control
Binary asteroid formation processes using granular modeling
Orbital Dynamics & Control
Research into orbital dynamics and control of spacecraft is essential to the success of any mission. ASTRO Lab investigates the optimization of orbital trajectories and develops novel control techniques for transfer, rendezvous, hovering, and landing approaches for spacecraft. ASTRO Lab also studies the utilization of low-thrust trajectories for miniaturized satellite and deep space applications.
Highlighted Projects:
Optimization of low-thrust transfer trajectories to near-Earth asteroids using gravity assists
Trajectory planning and control of spacecraft orbiting or hovering in the near-vicinity of a binary asteroid system
Controlling descent trajectories onto the surface of small solar system bodies
Investigating stability and mission suitability of orbits in the Earth-Moon system
Mission & Systems Design
ASTRO Lab envisions new technologies, concepts, and missions that advance the state-of-the-art in space systems engineering. From the design of new miniaturized technologies to the assessment of space mission architectures, ASTRO Lab aims to be on the cutting-edge of space systems design.
Highlighted Projects:
Development of new methods for the redirection of potentially hazardous asteroids
Systematic analysis of the space debris environment to inform active debris removal missions
Improvement of mission cost and risk modeling given emerging trends in space design and development
Satellites, Formations & Space Debris
In general, many potential benefits arise from spacecraft formation strategies, including additional redundancy, increased capabilities, and potential reduction in mission costs. Formations of spacecraft, including teams of heterogeneous spacecraft, have shown tremendous promise in various applications. ASTRO Lab performs research in the analysis of spacecraft formations, the development of new small satellite concepts, as well as studies on space debris removal.
Highlighted Projects:
Development of new algorithms for optimal landing formations on small solar system bodies
Low-thrust approaches to active space debris removal using small CubeSats
Collision avoidance for autonomous rendezvous with an uncooperative satellite
Space Robotics
Space robotics broadly encompasses the application of robotics and autonomous systems for operations in the space environment. ASTRO Lab investigates the development of robotic mechanisms and their control for performing tasks in space or in low-gravity environments. Space robotics also includes the algorithms, sensors, actuators, and approaches that allow for autonomous operation and human-robot interaction.
Highlighted Projects:
Design and control of a miniaturized attachment mechanism for precise landing on the surface of small solar system bodies
Control of robotic manipulators for space debris removal or sampling from the surface of asteroids
Development of attachment mechanisms for grasping uncooperative and irregularly shaped space objects
Terrestrial Robotics
In general, terrestrial robotics are to accomplish tasks in extreme and challenging environments. Usually, custom-designed robotic solutions are required to navigate and adapt to these dynamic, unstructured, and often unexplored environments. ASTRO Lab develops robotic solutions that can be used across a variety of industries and application areas, e.g., agriculture and farming, search and rescue, and mining.
Highlighted Projects:
Navigation and soil sampling robotics for remote environments
Safe human-robot interaction in an unstructured and dynamic search and rescue environment
Example of an agricultural robot concept (not developed by ASTRO Lab)
Industrial Robotics
Example of an industrial robotic arm (UR5, not developed by ASTRO Lab)
The integration of industrial robots is quickly becoming essential for companies to remain competitive. Often industrial robots must perform tasks in dynamic and unstructured environments and in the vicinity of, or in collaboration with, humans. ASTRO Lab focuses its research on developing intelligent and autonomous robotic systems that solve challenges faced by industry partners.
Highlighted Projects:
Robotic manipulator for the removal, sorting, and organizing of irregularly shaped objects
Organization and distribution of tasks for teams of mobile robotic manipulators in a dynamic work environment
Personal & Assistive Robotics
The field of personal robotics works to develop systems that naturally interact with people in real-world environments. This includes social and intelligent robots that assist with tasks in the home, as well as robotic mechanisms that assist with rehabilitation or therapy. Employing robotic systems for personal use or rehabilitation can greatly improve an individual’s quality of life and increase productivity.
Highlighted Projects:
Deep reinforcement learning for lower-body exoskeleton control
Adaptive exoskeleton gait pattern for incremental gait rehabilitation
Firefighter exoskeleton design and control to reduce injury and increase accessibility and performance
Studying human-robot interactions using semi-humanoid and quadruped robotics
Groundbreaking research is conducted at ASTRO Lab and industry partners are an integral part of the process. Together we are solving industry's most complex challenges and advancing technologies to maximize impact in business, our economy and society. Access a research community of trailblazers driven by ingenuity, excellence and creativity. Recruit the global technology leaders of tomorrow and leverage our state-of-the-art research infrastructure.
We are always looking to create and foster partnerships with those working in industry and community sectors. Contact us to learn more about how you can support, help drive, and benefit from partnering with ASTRO Lab.